UFO Shooter Save your city from the alien UFOs. You are the soldier deployed to take down the enemy UFOs. Destroy all the UFOs to complete the mission. Watch out for the enemy lasers.
The cosmic confrontation On a distant planet X, on the edge of the galaxy you reflect attack by alien robots. Ammunition is limited to the space base.
Space Hammer Can you prevent invasion? Check it out in this hardcore space shooter!
UFO Assault Fly your UFO and avoid shots fired from the ground at all costs!
Alien Extermination Farmer Brown has discovered crop circles appearing in his fields every morning when he wakes up. All of these crop circles are making it hard for him to grow what he needs so ..
Dragon Slayer UFO A remake of Vans Revenge Turbo Story Play as Van on his quest for revenge. To stop the evil Dragon Flame that destroyed Van's home planet. Update Fixed the icon on the menu ..
Click defense: green danger The story: Somewhere in a distant galaxy an evil emperor leads his green hordes, attacking all planets he can reach. There is only one planet left free and you are going to help ..
UFO like cows Cute funny game about UFO and cows. Use LEFT/RIGHT to control ufo and its magnetic ray. And be afraid of bricks and stones! Its vary bad for UFO to catch the stone. Have fun! :)
Space Patrolling Space Patrolling is an optimum blend of offence and defense. Here you must to survive for a long fight.. you must kill enemies to win. The ultimate goal of the game to complete ..
Help Me! Help funny ET to get on his UFO. Use unique abilities of his helpful friends.
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