Clara-S Terrorists seized a rocket launcher Clara has the necessary parts, hidden in secret places and get to the control panel of a rocket
Trucksformers 2 the ultimate trucksformers 2 race is on!
Chameline You can dodge or change colours to survive the fury of lines coming your way and claim your place on the high scores list.
Obama's dinner Obama was hungry, he needs to eat energy
Druid Wars Every battle starts with some time for you to store power of 8 runes by matching lines of at least 3 identical runes. And you should hurry, as after a while you'll have to face ..
Flying Coffins 4 Your task is to help the pilot’s soul get out of the hell. To do this, you have to participate in air duel and win 10 times in a row. Then the doors of the hell will be ..
Cat space adventure Black cat jumped from an altitude of 10,000 meters. Could he land safely?
Clever Obama Obama is busy Before going home, he has a lot things to do
Kill the boss Walk around the deadly streets, jump, kick, punch, spin, kick and pick up guns to fight other.
The Unexpected Bug The Unexpected Bug is a challenging action scrolling atari-like retro game where you need to avoid and kill robots that tries to kill you! Try to fix the “Bug” in this ..
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