Copa Libertadores
Choose your team and take it from the round of 16 all the way to the finals. Can you win it all and be the South American champion.
The Tower with Pinguy
The plot in Falling ball is to get the Pinguy falling down, without getting obtained.
Castle Of Pixel Skulls
Castle Of Pixel Skulls is a fun retro-styled platformer game. Prepare for the craziest and most addictive platformer game ever. You must succeed in various challenging platform goodness. Complete a lot of different levels to escape from castle. Will you get to the end of Castle Of Pixel Skulls?
Shake-Hunting for bugs
Snakes love different bugs and spiders. Help a snake to catch all bugs and to grow in sizes. Collect different bonuses which will help you to pass faster to the following level, to add life and others.
Rabbit Tycoon
You need to breed the baby rabbit and sell them to the customers in this game. The rabbit breeds in 5 different stages, and you can buy the rabbit with the money that’s given to you first and protect them from diseases, animals, and hunger when they grow bigger. You can hand over the well-bred rab..
smiley galactica
Smiley shooter game with lot of upgrade, smiley forever!
On the tank firing range tests are the new tank. The training involved the main battle force rival. Air aircraft, tanks, artillery and infantry. In Game 5 of military locations. Bonus armor adds protection tank.