RECON is a SHMUP (shoot-em-up) type of game where player takes control of a secret operative on a mission of taking down terrorist organization known as B.A.D. (Brotherhood of Anarchy And Death).
LEFT / RIGHT arrow to move, UP to jump, DOWN to dodge, S shoot, P pause
Nea’s – Shoot the Birds
Hardcast Community Game,
Leaderboard, Highscore, Duell-Game ...
Per hit - an additional 1 second.
Zombie Zone
Time to kill zombies. First, find your gun, then go and kill kill kill!
Rubber Eyes
Fun and simple physics platform puzzle game.
Marble Lines
Shoot marbles and destroy them by forming groups of 3.
Just Another Cakefight
When an evil monster steals Joey's cake, it vows to get revenge! Play as Joey's Cake as you shoot, dodge, and smash your way through 3 exciting bosses!
Best Players
There are no best players! Play this game to be the best player!