911 Police Parking
The police station is pretty crowded today and you will park the patrol cars that keep returning from their rounds. Do not hit any obstacles and try to move fast in order to park the vehicle in the spot indicated by this awesome police car game.
Time 4 ladybug
Eat everything what is smaller than you. Avoid everything bigger.
Frantic action, reaction, matching game. Swipe your mouse across Ballies of the same color in any direction and build multiple chains of high scoring explosive fun!
An RPG style game to obstruct the invaders. The game has got most stylish 10 levels that are most challenging as the player moves forward across the levels. Player is supposed to kill all the invaders by shooting them before reaching him.
La venganza del Pepino español
El pepino español viaja a Alemania para vengar a sus hermanos caídos, pasto de las moscas, recuperar los millones de euros perdidos y limpiar su nombre, mancillado por Angie.
Recupera los dineros, aplasta salchichas, esquiva bacterias de E.coli y cuídate de la Merkel.
Space Gravity Game 2
The unique space simulator with a realistic physical model. Collect prizes, design the optimal trajectory. Can you pass game, having spent a minimum of fuel?
Beach Room Hidden Objects
Analyze your power of observation by finding out the hidden objects. For each accurate click, score will get increased and for wrong click, score will get reduced.
Mosha e Luftes
Në fillim me anë të mausit duhet
ta kontrollosh një ushtri, e cila në
çdo nivel bëhet më e vështirë dhe
më modernë.