Archive for December, 2012

土豆番茄守卫钓鱼岛 土豆哥哥和番茄妹妹一起来守卫钓鱼岛啦~可以使用编辑器玩哦
BattleGear2053 Fight on the 2053 Battle Gear!!
Private Eye Parking As you enjoy the private eye parking game, use your skills as a detective and your driving abilities to win the challenges that foresee you.
阿狸桃子大冒险选关无敌版 关卡全开,人物无敌(生命会从1变回10),大家快来玩吧!在第一部阿狸英雄救美,桃子成功的被救出,在第二部中,他们回去的路上又会遇到 ..
Gomsee the Champion Gomsee is on the ring. Try to defeat all the challenging enemies.
Rabbit Tycoon You need to breed the baby rabbit and sell them to the customers in this game. The rabbit breeds in 5 different stages, and you can buy the rabbit with the money that’s given to ..
ToDie2 Find your way through the 19 levels. To pass each level you must find a way to kill yourself. You will need to be creative with some of the levels.
Truck Loader 4 The new adventures of little but strong Truck Loader and his faithful magnet. Your goal is to load boxes into a truck in a certain order. Have fun!
Virus Bounce Play new thinking computer virus game 'Virus Bounce'. You are a virus and must set up bounce points to infiltrate and infect each of the servers. Use platforms to bounce the ..
Legend of the Void 2 Your journey through Calderia continues with Legend of the Void 2: The Ancient Tomes. After awakening in the inner chambers of The Black Gate, you discover a powerful ancient book ..
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